Hidden Menu
ASTRO IMAGES A collection of images (bottom link Astro Images) taken with my ED120 and Mak127 telescopes using either a Canon 1000d or a Phillips SPC900nc modded web cam
AU-XRAY Xray aurora page
CLUSTER INFO A great resource site for help with cluster software and links
CONTEST-2007-MMC1 2m Marconi contest 2007 overview
CONTEST-2007-MMC2 2m Marconi contest 2007 final results
CONTEST-2008-MMC1 2m Marconi contest 2008 final results
CONTEST-2015-MMC1 2m Marconi contest 2015 final results
DD0VF Great Audio site from Steffen -DD0VF
DF9CY Useful Ham site by Christoph - DF9CY
DG2KBC Nice site by Ansgar
DK0WCY A magnetogram in Northern Germany
DK5YA Excellent site for ham stuff from Udo
DM2SR Nice site from Steffen inc. es summaries
DSP PROJECTS Various dsp stuff here
EA6VQ Nice site with many software projects/info
F1MPQ Nice site by Bruno
F4AZF Damiens Site
F6CRP Nice homepage from Denis
G0CHE Kevs 6m/4m pages
G0GJV Excellent contest software and more!
G0ISW Philips nice VHF/UHF Dx Site
G1HWY Mike's web pages
G3NAQ Calculating elevation by G3NAQ - Geoff
G3NAQ-PL Calculating Path loss by G3NAQ - Geoff (Excel file in zip)
G4CQM Crossing the pond on 2m, Derek G4CQM
G4DHF Great site for VHF DX from David, a well known DXer
G7IZU Live ES, MS, AU pages from Andy including maps and much more.
G7RAU this site
G7RAU ES MAPS A list of muf maps available for areas in the world by bands and minimum MUF. No login required but bif these are abused I will remove them...
G7RAU MAPS A collection of es and tropo maps
G7RAU RSGB 2009 PDF PDF file (inc. presenters notes) of the presentation for the October 2009 RSGB convention held at Wyboston presented by G7RAU
G7RAU RSGB 2009 PPT Powerpoint presentation for the October 2009 RSGB convention held at Wyboston presented by G7RAU
G7RAU RSGB 2012 PDF PDF file (inc. presenters notes) of the presentation for the October 2012 RSGB convention held at Horwood House presented by G7RAU
G7RAU RSGB 2012 PPT Powerpoint presentation for the October 2012 RSGB convention held at Horwood House presented by G7RAU
G7RAU RSGB 2015 PDF PDF file of the sporadic-e presentation for the October 2015 RSGB convention held at Kent Hills presented by G7RAU
G7RAU RSGB 2015 PPT Powerpoint sporadic-e presentation for the October 2015 RSGB convention held at Kent Hills presented by G7RAU
GOODDX Nice ES / AU warning site by Allard PE1NWL
GOOGLE 12m+ MAP G7RAU 12 and up google earth es map.
GOOGLE 12m+ MAP G7RAU 12 and up google earth es map inc. skimmer.
GOOGLE DXCC G7RAU experimental DXCC region and standard for google earth
GOOGLE VHF MAP G7RAU VHF google earth es map.
GOOGLE VHF MAP G7RAU VHF google earth es map inc. skimmer.
GW8IZR Paul's site has many interesting projects.
HARD KERNEL hardkernel the place for Odroid-XU4 8(!) core mini computers running Linux
HB9Q EME and more
HSMS High speed meteor scatter live pages
I0JXX Sandro, quality ham products
I1WQR Many Links
IK2YXK Nice site Mau :-)
KIRUNA Magnetogram from northern Sweden
MMM VHF Make more miles on VHF is back!
OE1SOW Nice pages from Othmar, OE1SOW
OH5IY Great MS software, don't miss a shower!
OK2KKW OK2KKW VHF/UHF Ham Radio Contest Club
ON4KHG Nice homesite from Gaëtan, ON4KHG
ON4KST-CHAT Very good chat pages for 50/144MHz etc from KST-Alain
OSCILLOSCOPES Electronic test equipment used for observing wave shape, with clear, easy to read LCD screens. Available from Circuit Specialists, Inc. with unique features and functions compared to your average digital storage oscilloscope.
OZ1RH Interesting documents regarding ionosctter/tropo
OZ2M Great site from Bo. Lots of informative material.
PE1ITR Pages from Rob Hardenberg including 2m sporadic e alert system.
POWABEAM PowAbeam Antennas by Richard G6HKS
REF French contests
RSGB PSC RSGB Propagation Studies Committee
RYAN STEPHENS Ryan Stephens who sadly passed away 27th January 2009
SPECTRAN Very good win32 DSP software
SWOT The Side Winders On Two Radio Club (USA)
TOPLIST DF6NA is collecting info on No of sq/dxcc worked on vhf
TROPO-DUCT Tropo ducting forecasting
TV-DX List of TV transmitters, OIRT and FM bc plus much more
UBA Belgian UBA site with VHF and contest resources
UKSMG A great site for all things 6m! The group support Dxpeditions and run the summer and marathon contests.
VE3NEA A great collection of software from Alex including Omni-Rig which can be used with Live MUF to connect to a rig.
W5UN Dave's pages including software & nice antenna pics
WEBCLUSTER DXC on the web from OH2AQ group
WINLOG by Colin-G0CUZ, a very good FREE logbook program with many features.
WX-BBC Current weather forcasts from the BBC
WX-FUTURE Medium range weather forcasts
WX-MET OFFICE Met Office European surface pressure animation
YU7EF Pop's antenna designs, excellent antennas!