Live MUF V7 History from 2014 onwards in descending order (See help/hist_pre_2014.txt for older info):
710) [09/10/2024 20:00] : Including WMM2025.COF - Latest file from NOAA (Not high resolution, I need to rebuild model for this as the high res needs lots more resources).
709) [09/10/2024 19:00] : Corrected 6m miscalculation where DX spotted as TEP but not crossing the GEOMAG equator was counted as unknown, now corrected to F2.
708) [17/08/2024 07:44] : Fixed broken end of spots when the spot is a skimmer one and it has time embedded in it plus 2x locs.
707) [18/05/2024 16:00]: 8m mapping colour now should work as expected, it was using the 6m colour before.. (TNX HB9DFG)
706) [09/04/2024 20:30]: Added in an option in map settings "Only Equator?" When ticked this only draw spots that cross the geomagnetic equator. Its useful if you are looking for possible TEP qsos and the filtering in other ways is inadequate.
705) [09/04/2024 16:40]: 2m: If QRB>4500 and over equator then the prop guesser selects TEP as the prop mode. (TNX IZ8EDJ)
704) [29/09/2023 07:40]: Load locators and load squares now allows .csv as well as .txt. Warning, this must be comma delimited. (TNX G4LOH)
703) [31/05/2023 12:30]: Corrected POSSIBLE_TEP is true (over geomag 0) to use the geomag rather than equator, apologies, too many functions is my excuse.
702) [15/05/2023 13:30]: I have added a rule to the prop engine; if qrb > 5000 and POSSIBLE_TEP is true (over geomag 0) and is skimmer or prop isn't stated and before Jun1 or after Aug31 then TEP. I have added this as I set max es qrb to 13500km in the summer to allow for long es qsos (G to JA etc). I wish I had more time for this, I think it is possible to work out the prop for 90 percent plus. One day I will finish it!
701) [18/04/2023 16:00]: Fix popped on LM for Linux where web calls fail if local Mono certificate is out of date.
700) [18/02/2023 23:00]: Fix to ensure skimmer spots dont have 2x dates in the spot detail regardless of spot length (TNX PE1ITR)
699) [28/01/2023 10:00]: Allow up to 10 million records to be exported in the analysis window but not advisable (do it with directy DB queries is always faster). Made some fundamental changes to the propagation engine to try and assign modes to digi data. It'll never be perfect but hopefully now an improvement.
698) [27/01/2023 12:00]: Fix for MW List, pipes in usernames broke the import. Fix in psk data, some sptter callsigns were 18+ characters, limited it to length 13 i.e. VK9C/SM0TTT/P is the limit length. Fix in processing high speed data in data feeds, it now allows up to 50 million spots per stream. Fix on some external data where the spotter call was empty but both locators known. The calls are updated with QN0CALL. Analysis window in CSV export now with the QRB as an additional field. Handy for a quick export.
697) [06/11/2022 08:00]: HF MUF bandwidth setting now available 1 to 200Hz in 1Hz and 200+ Hz in 10Hz. Change layer height options for maps and calcs so now you can set 40km - 500km. This was done so you can use the es calculators for F layer prop on 6m. Leave as default unless you know what you are doing..
696) [21/08/2022 18:00]: Bugfix to resolve the wrong locators being allocated when processing pskreporter data when both are in the same big square i.e. IO90
695) [17/07/2022 11:00]: Map tool bug fixed at last. Sorry for the long delay, I forgot this was an issue when using the latest .net version. In the live_muf_on_linux.txt (in the help folder) there is now a sample desktop shortcut script kindly created by Dave G1OGY, thanks Dave.
694) [29/04/2022 23:00]: Included 8m in the filters. Refresh bug in DXC window(s); if you right click on the window and select refresh it should now refresh (repaint) the screen.
692) [26/03/2022 23:00]: Fixed scroll bug in RTF windows where it would wipe the text sometimes instead of auto-scrolling. Ticking LP in HF Muf settings includes both SP and LP. LP is always in blue shades to help to differentiate the path plots in the map (re-released as a bug when el=0!). Fixed bug in PskReporter window where reconnection failed as the connection object did not close correctly. Updated Call and locs on a big scale. Over 1.7 million checked and refreshed where needed. Various minor bug fixes applied, mainly relating to small memory leaks in the big processes like data loops and maps. Info: Refresh "bug" still in happening in Windows and the "cure" I have chosen not to apply as it impacts performance for other apps significantly (repaint every few seconds). It only happens if the dxc window has not had any spots on it for a while and it has been either minimised or under other windows. The next spot in the DXC window forces a screen refresh or simply clicking minimise then maximise will refresh it. It seems to be a difference between .net 4.6 and 4.8 where windows lay dormant now until active. I don't see this as a bad "bug", when I want to look at Live Muf I have it as the main window anyway.
691) [02/07/2021 08:00]: Hopefully I have now fixed refresh bug in DXC window(s), it seems to be a difference between .net 4.6 and 4.8. (TNX HA1FV)
690) [25/06/2021 00:00]: Updated SQL Lite to latest version. Note that if you use 64 bit then rerun lm_updater.exe to ensure SQLite dll's are correctly registered. Updated to .net 4.8, 4.6 is being unsupported soon.
689) [30/05/2021 00:00]: New option in map settings called LMUser, when ticked only DXC spots (any spots inc. skimmer that enter Live MUF as they are pulled from the database) appear in the maps that have the callsign of the Live MUF User. Live redraw map centred on the sun overhead position every data refresh. This is obviously resource hungry and should only be used if you have a particular need! (TNX G7IZU)
688) [16/04/2021 00:00]: Updated solar flux prediction file. Corrected more bugs in logger. Updated geomag file to latest release.
687) [07/04/2021 19:00]: Fixed a bug in logger where it would not load the rigs for CAT control. I think most use OmniRig as I do. Fixed a bug in prefix mapping where I somehow remarked out the loop in the code so only 1A prefix was written to the map :)
686) [19/12/2020 15:00]: Included mapping line colours for MF and 6cm in map settings. Sorted bug in 8cm data feed (6cm was still grouped with 8/9cm spots.)
685) [17/12/2020 04:00]: Added in new Web DXC pull for MWLIST (Medium wave spots) and updated filters to reflect this. (TNX G7IZU) I split 8cm to 8cm and 6cm and updated the filters. (TNX G8JVM)
684) [12/12/2020 20:00]: I have rewritten all the mapping so that all images passed around in the background I manually marshial. This was done to try and fix a bug in Live MUF in Linux. The bug turned out to be libgdiplus in Mono (see linux help file in the live muf help folder for a fix) but the positive outcome is maps now draw quicker and memory is better handled.
683) [05/09/2020 06:00]: Further memory cleanups in Windows and Linux so that SQLite can cope better with Skimmer / FT8 DXC connections (now available at some spider nodes and direct from RBN)
682) [12/08/2020 16:00]: Updated to latest SQLite drivers so that Live MUF does not memory leak in Linux when using SQLite. This may well still be an issue in some Linux distros, I recommend MySQL (Maria Db on Debian) Increase the max image size to 12000x12000 pixels.
681) [14/06/2020 16:00]: Added option in es settings "Force MSK/FSK modes by QRB". This should remain unticked (unticked is the default, MSK/FSK441 are forced as MS mode) unless you see lots are using MSK144/FSK441 during an es opening. (TNX G4FUF)
680) [07/06/2020 17:00]: Fixed issue with VOR/ spots not using locator in info at last after 4 years! (TNX I1RJP)
679) [03/05/2020 15:00]: 2nd attempt issue with FSK441, JTMS and MSK144 as some were still showing as tropo. (TNX Andy G7IZU)
678) [27/04/2020 23:00]: Fixed issue with FSK441, JTMS and MSK144 not automatically counting as MS. (TNX Andy G7IZU)
677) [13/02/2020 08:00]: MAJOR ISSUE!!!!!!!!! Prop filter update: if no prop mode in spot and is in ES qrb range and qsdo between 10/4 to 16/8 then ES else TROPO. Fixed issue with PSK pull not looking up locators. MAJOR ISSUE! To fix issues in Live MUF I have had to recompile in .net 4. As there are 100's of users and many that still only have .net 2.0 (win XP, older Linux OS etc.) I cannot just release it. If you still need the .net 2 version then please download Really sorry about this, if I had more time I could fudge a workaround but time is a very low resource here. Corrected link on importing DXCs to https, Tnx Jim AD1C Updated SQLite drivers.
676) [07/06/2018 21:00]: Some DXC now have mixed FT8/cw skimmers without the -# on the call so are not treated as skimmer spots. To compensate for this i have included option in DXC settings to force all DXC settings as skimmer.
675) [05/05/2018 09:00]: Included fix to KST windows for Linux users as no carraige return shown (TNX IK0OKY)
674) [14/04/2018 09:00]: Included QTF and QRB in beacons listing. Fixed a self-inflicted bug that kept resetting my square to IO90IR.
673) [31/03/2018 09:00]: Sorted out reverse and LP QTF in the logger. ENSURE in user settings that you changed the update path to https:// rather than http:// , GDPR has meant more cost buying SSL for the website :(
672) [29/03/2018 09:00]: Removed bug from reverse QTF calculation. this affected lots of things, hopefully now it os all OK!
671) [28/06/2017 07:00]: New option in form settings "Use default MUF values every load". This will load my default settings every time for es season and for most this is fine and will stop people missing things. If you wish to set your own then disable this and Change MUF settings (in the MUF data subfolder list in the menu). I will grow this as a default override for other key parts of the application. Removed debugging info from the google maps routines, the debugging was in all mapping! Please clear your error log after this update as most of it was from me testing I expect! Fixed bug where OMNIRIG did not pull through freq to main DXC window (TNX PA2M)
670) [29/05/2017 18:00]: I have changed the way the JT6M,FSK and WSJT exclusions work so they only count as digi if no mode was spotted by the spotter within the defined ranges in the help (TNX G0ISW) Please let me know if this works OK, based on tests it should though... Fixed bug reading ascii characters from files. Fixed range on Moon calcs.
669) [19/04/2017 12:00]: Included a new tool script runner that enables you to run a batch file say every 60 seconds. This works in in Linux and Windows. In map settings for non-es maps you now have an option to set the minimum qrb to Dx, this is useful in HF maps to exclude local to local QSOs. In analysis window you can now export DXC data in csv format. Fixed a bug related to the new min QRB to DX, deleted something that looked unimportant and not needed from a related routine... hohum!
668) [12/01/2017 19:00]: Us db county lookup used in the logger hardcoded in the app as it uses a different address to the main site. I must get around to populating the DNS with a new entry!
667) [19/12/2016 09:00]: For my sanity I created a static variable for the website address rather than having to do a find / replace if I move servers again.. Built this release using Windows 10 and Visual Studio 2015 to check that it is still fine in Linux which it is.
666) [08/10/2016 06:00]: Removed server socket option reuse address for Linux users when using telnet server as mono seems to have dropped this from the framework.... Put a fix in the app for my old cluster so g7rau.demon address is automatically updated to Put a fix in the app for my old website Put a fix in the app so my old web address where updates are is automatically updated to (note this is different now to where the cluster is hosted, DONT use the same address for both!).
665) [04/09/2016 16:00]: Added a 2m 70cm filter to maps (TNX G8JVM). Forced change. in update path as many upgrading and only a handful changing the setting :(
664) [01/09/2016 19:00]: IMPORTANT!!!!!!!!!!!! The home of Live MUF is moving! Please make sure you change your update path in Windows Menu / General options / User Details, simply change update path box from path to (remember the last forward slash!).
663) [14/08/2016 19:40]: Bug fixed in MySQL version where if Use derived over database locator was specified and you were connected to 2 DXCs there might be a primary key error in the log.
662) [10/07/2016 16:00]: Spots using the DX tool where the propagation mode is unknown are mapped to <?> rather than <UNKNOWN> giving you 6 more characters in the spot text area to play with. Minor bug fixed in QRA calc where an "is not number" error was raised for no reason. Included time in cut down MUF info (TNX DF2ZC)
661) [30/04/2016 13:00]: Included maximise in custom title menu (useful for Linux users. Changed secondary command boxes in DXC to colour light grey as in Odroid the default menu is dark grey and I couldn't read the text! As you have guessed Live MUF now runs in Odroid-XU4 so it should run on a Rasperry Pi (anyone tested) but watch the resources! Included a simple clock, this is available from misc tools (TNX G8JVM)
660) [31/01/2016 11:30]: Included WMM2015.COF to improve aurora calculations accuracy. Bug fixed on band map open, contest number was ignored and a format error in the errors file. Bug fixed when importing ADIF V1 files into the logger (d:> caused an import failure).
659) [19/12/2015 10:30]: Bug fixed in telnet watch window trigger (this was causing false entries in the error file) Ability to export a simple ADIF file from the DXC analysis window.
658) [12/09/2015 10:00]: Bug fixed in mapper routines where the mapper ignored FML spots. Bug fixed in Logger to map routines. Bug fixed in processing UTF8 text from FM list spots in Linux.
657) [09/08/2015 10:00]: Auto grid population can be disabled in log settings rather than having to have a fresh db for every contest to comply with rules.
656) [01/08/2015 10:30]: You can choose to ignore FM List data in maps, DXC and the analysis windows now (same as Skimmer with an option to feed only FM spots in the telnet server). Login routine bug in the DXC window finally resoved after years of trying to find the issue (only affect was on my sanity). The central DB no longer gets updated when users spot DX with MM on the end of the locator or 4 character locators (TNX G4FUF) Web puller stops pull on window close now (TNX G4FUF)
655) [25/06/2015 21:45]: If you tick "Apply DXC 1 filters to MUF window?" in ES settings the DXC filters (from DXC 1) are now applied to the MUF window, i.e. if in DXC filters you deselect spots on 3m then no MUF data will appear in the MUF window. Note that the data is still written to the db and is available in maps and the analysis window. Removed all unused references,now only 2000+ xml references to write to make it fully c# compliant..
654) [22/06/2015 21:00]: Fixed bug where to kickoff web spots pull you needed to be connected to a DXC, now it works if you have no connection. Added option in G7RAU pull in web DXC so you can set fml=o which will reduce the datapull if bandwidth is an issue and you cannot pull the full list from FMLIST (TNX G4FUF) Included a prop lookup in logger when double clicked (or F9 key used). Fixed bug in textwatch, the 1st c# issue! (TNX SM7GVF)
653) [10/06/2015 15:00]: SpeechLib dll included so com objects are correctly loaded (if available). Anyone want to produce wave files so I can dump this? Let me know.. Remove the error number from the error routines and dump file as this is no longer part of the framework if I were to upgrade. Changed all Select Case statements to IF/ ELSE as these are different in C#. Changed the way numbers are formatted so I can use pure c#. I have written my own number parser so this should work for non-English installations. fixed bug in map settings where zoom was not in order for non-English installations. Removed references to old dot net 1 references and declarations from the source code (and fixed > 10000 issues in the process!) Sorted bug Where sometimes DXSummit has spotters with spaces in the call. Bug fixed where even when saying yes to deleting a spot after a double click on the map nothing happens. Bug fixed where contest extra would not import from a previously exported ADI file. Bug fixed where rig freq would not pull into the logger spot frequency box using Omni-rig. All code rewritten in c sharp, please let me know of any bugs! Now an option in mapping settings to set the minimum elevation for your path (TNX EI4KF) Now an option in es settings to have ES Alarm sound with originating spot freq i.e. "!ES! spot from 6m". (TNX PA3C)
652) [19/04/2015 12:00]: In ADIF export QSL mode added so only those that have or will be sent a card or you have received one from will be exported. Fixed SQL bug if case sensitive table names are used (note to self, keep tables lower case!!). Sounds now use aplay in Linux until I can find a how to do this in a thread safe way. Wasted many hours trying and it still crashes the app using the built in tools grrr!
651) [27/03/2015 19:00]: Telnet password length extended to 50 characters (TNX G0NMY) Omni-rig Live-MUF link now uses "SetSimplexMode" to set the frequency. Let me know if this works OK for you? Set a 10 pixel tolerance to the tab dragging as a little shake and the tab would be dragged :)
650) [25/03/2015 19:00]: Included basic support for connecting to your rig using omni-rig in the logger. Menu option in logger to fix broken names from a previous ADIF bug (TNX G4RRA). included minimise and close buttons if the title bar is hidden (yes, this close button works in Linux!). New users now have the logger enabled from the start. Included basic eqsl and lotw fields in ADIF import / export. Make sure if you used logger prior to April 2015 you run "Create QSL comments" from the QSL menu otherwise the ADIF export / import will not work. You only need to do this once... Fixed bug in freq popup so it only creates 1 form ADIF now uses mode2 on export if it exists rather than just SSB/CW.
649) [09/03/2015 06:00]: Now logger settings has an other box to store home details for other mult types in contests i.e. UKSMG number. Changes to Cabrillo to include X-QSO and conform to the standard for dupe marking. Major change! To make Like MUF compatible with new Linux releases I have created a custom tabs menu on the main form to replace the MS one. Hopefully this makes Live MUF usable on all Linux platforms now. Thanks to Richard-G8JVM for alerting me to the issue and for testing the new release. Included a context menu on tabs so you can reach the end / beginning of the tab list if it is outside the forms edge. Included chevron left right in tab menu if tabs go outside the forms edge. Bug fix where bad spot forms would corrupt the forms list at start up (amazed nobody reported this!).
648) [26/02/2015 14:00]: Implemented a better workaround for Linux where textboxes do not show context menus. It now shows the default and customised menu which is the best I can do in Mono 2.0.This is fixed in Mono 3.0 but I am not willing to move on yet as many current users are .net 2.0 (Win XP, older Linux etc inc. me!) Fixed bug in band list where last clicked DX station remains visible.
647) [24/02/2015 10:00]: Included 4 categories in Cabrillo export that were missing (STATION, OPERATOR, TRANSMITTER and ASSISTED). Changed error logging routines to try and force MySql errors to be written to file as they happen in Linux rather than on exit. Fixed bug in ADIF import where the DX station opname was defaulted to trhe callsign if no name in the ADIF file. Now you can select the contest ID when importing ADIF files to save faffing around after import. Included a simple band list (DXC Band Map) in logger, this may be useful for looking for missed calls in contests (TNX G4RRA) Simple band list should retain position now on updates.
646) [08/02/2015 17:00]: In log settings you can now set tab ordering. In loggerF4 brings up a freq selector. Logger Automode settings option for setting J3E or A1A based on rs(t). Changed the way the datareader works for all sql engines which should speed up data calls (please let me know if you have data read errors!). Changed all rtf documents to industry standard rather than the Microsoft flavour so they should be readable in Linux. Fixed corrupted VOR list. WAB lookup now works correctly in logger (only G* or EI ) Removed partial locking on data inserts, this should speed up ADIF and spots imports significantly. Let me know if it causes issues though. Included option to force 6 character grids in ADIF export as longer locators cause issues in some importers.
645) [03/02/2015 19:00]: Enabled fill option on radial drawing and a 2nd set of radials can be drawn from the QRA box (TNX G4SWX). Bug sorted in log on ADIF import (IOTA was populating with call..sorry). Bug sorted where mode2 box would hide mode1 box in log. Ability to delete log entries (TNX G4RRA). Ability to backup log database in SQLITE (TNX G4RRA). Auto RST and submit QSO on hitting return added to logger (TNX G4RRA). F7 now looks up US county info in the logger (TNX G4RRA). F9 wipes the record in the logger (TNX G4RRA). Fixed serials in ADI export (set to nothing if = 0).
644) [18/01/2015 19:00]: Included a text box to enter your default club name for contest entries. Now CAT polling does not happen if in edit mode in the log (Dohh!).
643) [23/12/2014 08:30] Included software note at the end of EDI exports in the logger. Dupe check in contest logger now checks by band i.e. worked on 3.6 and now you are on 7.1 then this will not count as a dupe. Note that EDI export still counts this as a dupe so use Cabrillo to export (HF button and select an appropriate temple) if this is a VHF contest. Fixed bug in F2 mapper where out of range in RGB randomly appeared in the error log.
642) [14/12/2014 07:30] In logger QSO count added to DXCC search and DXCC ref added to normal search. Modded contest logger so UK Locs box is based on RSGBCC M7 rule. Included CQ and ITU lookups in ADIF imports where ADIF import is null. Cabrillo export now excludes columns with a length set to zero. Useful if you count say a dxcc as a mult but dont display the dxcc ref in the file. Sorted CQ and ITU bug in Cabrillo export where it truncated it to 1 char instead of 2!
641) [06/09/2014 09:30] Added feature Bad DX spot so you can ignore a dx spot. This will ignore it totally and it will not be entered into the database etc so beware..
640) [23/08/2014 07:30] Made sure that consistant formatting of numbers in DX info in the VHF window. Manually forcing objects into garbage collection for pinch-points in the DXC process routine. This is to overcome inefficiencies in the Mono memory management and only really is an issue when linked to skimmer. Included routines to allow 1 error in MySQL when connecting to a database as on busy systems it can sometimes be an issue. Increased values available for selection in buffers for the main winfdows, command boxes and web timeouts. WWV and WCY now appear in the AU window as expected when using Live MUF as a client to another instance that is storing the data. WWV and WCY include date in the AU window .
639) [15/05/2014 22:00] I have found a way to get the old SQLite drivers to work in Linux again so a backward step. Again PLEEASSE tell me if there are any errors ;)
638) [10/05/2014 13:00] With the demise of Windows XP updates some XP users might get an error when trying to install / run Live MUF. Please download and run A few users have reported this error in Win 7 and win 12 and this has fixed the issue. I believe the issue is that C++ 2005 runtime is no longer seen as a requirement on systems and is not downloaded by default on windows updates.
637) [12/04/2014 19:00] Full and partial call/loc updates are working again. Please update before es season starts. DDE install driver routine now downloads the driver from the internet so the latest driver is available.
636) [05/04/2014 19:00] Live MUF should now run ok on Linux using SQLite. To enable this I have rewritten all the SQLite routines so let me know if I have any new bugs to find. I still recommend MySQL on Linux but if you must use SQLite make sure you don't change the database settings whilst connected to the cluster. Removed debugging which might have caused the app to die on Linux for no reason (maybe..) Fixed bug in F2 MUF maps where it would draw MUF plots if certain mixed band selections were selected (i.e. 13cm up!) More thread safe changes that hopefully won't create issues. On a reasonable machine sqLite should now easily process 90 spots a second. Re-enabled the WWV window feed, I have no idea why I had disabled it!
635) [16/03/2014 10:00] In menu Misc there is now an option so the main window minimises on start. This is for Linux users. Please don't ask for live MUF as a service in linux, I am already looking into this but it is not straight-forward ;) Checks added to hopefully capture a rare threading issue when the app under severe load (>100 spots per second). Sorted out DXC settings so you can now see all the boxes in L:inux
634) [24/02/2014 11:00] In menu Misc there is now an option so the main window maximises on start. This is for Linux users.
633) [23/02/2014 19:00] You can set the max freq of lookup for Derive missing Locators on HF calls from prefix, useful to extend this to 6m. Update Win/Linux SQLite drivers to Linux users, please use MySQL rather than SQLite as SQLite is not stable.. I hope one day they update it to not crash and burn on inserting records fast! A good idea to update your call/loc Db in full in case you have a corrupted sqlite file...
632) [09/02/2014 13:00] Ability to see the f2 HF muf predictions live. I have rewritten parts of this to include the sleep setting in map settings. Added the ability to change the value from 1200km in home potential mapping (not recommended but your choice!). Updated mapping guide. Hopefully now most can muddle through the map settings following this very shoddy guide!
631) [08/02/2014 09:00] Low QRB qsos that do not look like any other propagation mode are now handled in the spot filter routines as tropo. Added in menu Misc the option to turn off the title bar. This is meant for Linux users as the X close button trashes the tabs and can crash the app but using file/exit is fine. On another Note; the web forms in V7 do not work in latter versions of Linux due to the Mozilla API or so I think. Sorry. Sorted out a bug in the multimap spanning interval, now it seems ok. Labelled es maps with the min / max muf parameters.
630) [02/02/2014 20:15] The rest of the Xmas updates now I am happy they are stable running on my machine: 1: On DXC web pulls the no of hours of data to pull now works for RAU / Skimmer. Please only use >1hr as a one off otherwise I have to pay for the bandwidth. On a similar note why pull my spots if you are connected to a solid DXC?.... 2: Improved memory handling in Mono and probably in .Net as well. Mono's garbage collector is not as efficient as MS's. 3: Rewrote the way the prop filter and DX spider importer works to improve performance in Mono / MySQL. 4: ADIF import / export now works in Mono / Linux. 5: Increase No of spots allowed in maps for special mapping. 6: Allowed users to turn off sleeps in map settings, warning, this could create overflow errors or out of memory crashes! 7: On multimaps the span type of hours, minutes etc can now be utilised. Note this defaults back to minutes every time the map is opened to stop mad data grab accidents ;) 8: Increased possible ip / host address length in telnet settings to 200. 9: If a tab is closed then the focus now should go on the last tab visited. This is not perfect (a messy botch!) but now works in ,net and mono without crashing the app. 10: Max QRB added to non-es maps, I am sure somebody requested this? 11: Help button on map settings. Please let me know of any bugs I have introduced!